Why should you adopt the cloud?

For all kinds of business, growing revenue and decreasing costs is an important driver for any technology adoption, including that of the cloud. In particular, cloud adoption enables the following benefits:

Accessibility and mobility.

The data in the cloud can be accessed from anywhere in the world (with the appropriate user permissions). The automatic cloud updates ensure the service is protected against security vulnerabilities and other issues.


Secure solution design and secure development lifecycle, along with secure practices and approaches enable businesses to ensure the system’s confidentiality and integrity, as well as to keep the data safe and private at all times.


The uncertain times of today require businesses to be able to scale or shrink their workloads unexpectedly. The ability to handle sudden workload changes wisely enables companies to function effectively without affecting the application’s performance.

Increased agility and speed.

The infrastructure in the cloud can be provisioned in minutes instead of months, and de-provisioned just as promptly.

Costs savings.

Cost savings from a cloud adoption come from the expanded efficiency in the firm’s day-to-day operations, such as database administration, deploying new applications or buying and setting them up, and configuring servers.

Faster time to market.

Agile development practices and flexible cloud deployment options accelerate the release of apps and services to the market, enabling our clients to gain competitive advantage.

Reduce time and costs: Cloud-based application development can be deployed as a gradual process meaning lower costs for your business.

Artificial Intelligence Development Services GRFS end-to-end approach to implementing AI solutions for businesses begins with consulting and outlining an MVP. The process extends to development and integration with existing infrastructure, preventing the most common AI pitfalls associated with identifying the proper datasets and training initial ML algorithms


Natural language processing (NLP)

  • Text-to-speech conversion
  • Multi-language live translation
  • Text сlassification
  • Data retrieval
  • Intelligent search
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Spam filtering
  • Content quality control

Computer vision

  • Image segmentation
  • Image classification
  • Object recognition
  • Video tracking
  • Visual scene modeling
  • Motion tracking & investigation
  • Biometric authorization
  • Scene or image reconstruction

Deep learning

  • RCNN
  • Machine vision
  • Neural network development & training
  • Image & video processing
  • Speech-to-text conversion
  • Voice & face recognition

Machine learning

  • Supervised & unsupervised learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Topic modeling
  • Dimensionality reduction
  • Meta learning
  • Behavior analysis
  • Process anomaly detection
  • Digital asset filtering


GRFS offers block chain incubation as a service for monetizing anonymized data, training AI-based data models, and maintaining the trail of AI and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. Our pre-built block chain platform mitigates business risks and enables rapid prototyping for specific use cases. Further, our ready-to-use reference architectures integrate data sources, applications and analytical tools. An integrated block chain network provides real-time visibility into maintenance and Repair history of assets, status of shipments, and Payment records